Interlocutory/Temporary/Ad-Interim Injunction: This involves prohibiting a party from taking certain actions until the lawsuit is concluded. It is granted when the plaintiff successfully establishes a prima facie case.
Mareva Injunction: Granted to restrain the defendant from disposing of assets within the jurisdiction until the trial concludes, safeguarding the plaintiff's interests during the suit.
Quia Timet Injunction: It is given to avoid a danger or expected violation of the rights of the plaintiff.
Anton Pillar Orders: An injunction allowing the plaintiff to enter the defendant’s premises to search and seize implicating evidence without prior notice to the defendants.
John Doe Orders: Orders to search and seize from unknown/unnamed defendants.
Permanent/Perpetual Injunction: A final court order refraining a party from certain activities permanently or mandating specific actions in perpetuity.
Damages/Accounts of Profits: Two distinct remedies granted to compensate the plaintiff for losses suffered due to the defendant’s actions.
Delivery-Up and Destruction: Involves delivering infringing goods to the plaintiff for subsequent destruction.
Notices- Caution and Cease & Desist: Additionally, in cases of infringement, Cease and Desist Notices may be employed as a pre-emptive legal tool. These notices serve as a warning to potential infringers, advising them to cease their activities, failing which legal action may be pursued. Cease and Desist Notices are an effective means to address IP violations without immediately resorting to litigation, offering a chance for resolution before entering the courtroom.